Saturday, August 27, 2011

Back and I've got the Sweat(s)

Can you believe a sweatshirt has brought my blog back from the dead? My life has changed big since my last post a year ago but who really cares when all I can think about is a $1,195 Jason Wu wool sweatshirt with baroque lace applique? It seems to be the item of the moment with Marc Jacobs and Givenchy contributing to the laid back sweaty style that will put us back $1000+. If this isn't luxury, what else is?

All I can say is that I've been fighting the urge to splurge on the Jason Wu rather than putting my money towards the second phase of my house renovation. Luckily for me and my mate, my Midwest practicality kicked it and I'll make do without.....the sweatshirt, that is. Hanes has never been so glam.

Photos top to bottom: Jason Wu, Balenciaga, Marc Jacobs


katiekate said...

Why don't you make one? Get some old lace and hand stitcy it on. I have see some beautiful ones done with old doilies. Time to call Grandma?!?!?!?
Aunt Katie, by love

katiekate said...

That should be "stitch"!

Erin said...

You are right, I should make one. I received a sample sweatshirt yesterday for a design I'm working on for the ballet and the thought did cross my mind. I miss our chats...I hope you're doing well.